hanks to everyone who attended one of the six events to learn more about Andrew Howe's Encyclopedia of Socceroos. In the timeframe of 15 days, we visited Sydney (Club Marconi), Newcastle (Broadmeadow Magic), Melbourne (South Melbourne), Ipswich (Western Pride/Ipswich City Council), Adelaide (Adelaide City) and Canberra (Muse Bookstore and Bar), with Andrew talking about the Encyclopedia, some of the salient features relevant to the region, and how he came to compile it ... over 25 years of work!
We're now in planning for our next launch event which is at Western Sydney University on Thursday 12 July to celebrate Jorge Knijnik's new book, The World Cup Chronicles - 31 Days that Rocked Brazil. This is a terrific (shorter) read on the cultural, political, economic and sporting impact of Brazil 2014. Remember: this was before anyone knew about the FIFA arrests that were to come in May 2015.

Although some of us around the world had spoken out about FIFA corruption, we were mostly branded as deranged or 'bitter and twisted' or both. Of course, history has proven us right - but it's interesting to go back in time through the history of the Seleção and the people at the heart of Brazilian football for so many years, who were also at the heart of the corruption in world football.
Jorge's easy style and incisive observations are complemented by beautiful photography - as well as the cover design by Retta Laraway of Look See Design - from Brazilian women photographers. Learn more about the book here and, if you're in Sydney on 12 July, register to join us for the launch.
In the meantime, enjoy the greatest show on earth. We surely will. And to keep up-to-date, visit our sister site at FootballToday.news for a daily summary of the latest football news, as well as a top group of contributors bringing the latest World Cup analysis, features and opinions.
And ... #GoSocceroos!
P.S. Want Andrew Howe's stats, bios and data on the Socceroos in the World Cup at your fingertips? Check out the A-Z of Socceroos - World Cup Edition.