Feel like you need something different during lockdown?
We've got real life stories, football history, and football fiction. Plus some playlists to listen to as you read.
And if you still want more, we've got that also: autobiography, analysis, culture, memoirs, more history and the only encyclopedia of a women's national team. Anywhere, ever.
Plus the next edition of our quarterly e-mag, Play On, is out next week and it's all about the A-League. It's got 10 cracking reads and is not to be missed!
And if you still want more, check out our YouTube channel. Over 100 minutes of FBF.
Happy reading!
And while you're reading, have a listen to the playlist we've compiled to accompany Be My Guest. We've selected one of the top-selling songs from every year that a football superstar, profiled in the book, visited Australia. There's some golden oldies and some you think How the hell did that become #1? Guaranteed to make you feel good.
Anna's got her own playlist too, just like any other serious player. We share the songs that rate a mention throughout the book.